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10 programming languages for 2014

Programming Language is a way of communication between the programmer and the computer. Like nests IT recommends the top 10 programming languages that you should automatically for 2014, including the following:

1.Java language

Java is a programming languages, which is a class-based, object-oriented, which developed by Sun Microsystems in the 90s. This language in popular demand especially for writing software applications for large enterprises web-based games and software for thought Nokia S40 series until Android. Java was designed to be able to run on a different platform, such as Mac OS X applications running on Windows. 

2.C language

C Programming Language is the first and oldest is the most widely used for creating applications. This language was created in the 70th, which is mostly used for filling on the OS (operating system) software and embedded application. This can be considered as the local language (Foundation) for learning other languages ​​like this, you should learn C before moving into other languages . 

3.C ++ language

C ++ is a language in the Intermediate (Intermediate-Level Language) with Object-Oriented Programming feature which is complementary addition to C. C ++ language is used to write many popular programs, such as Firefox, Winamp and Adobe. This language is also being used to create Systems software, application software, high-performance server and client applications as well as video games. 

4.C # language

C #, or C-sharp is a language that has a Multi-Paradigm created by Microsoft. This language is a language, a combination of C and C ++ and is used for programming for Microsoft Windows platforms.

5.Objective-C language 

Objective-C is a language which is an Object-Oriented Programming as well, but was created for Apple's operating system. This language is famous because of the language used to write software iOS. 

6.PHP language 

PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a language that has a server-side scripting, which is used for creating Dynamic Websites and applications. PHP is used to write more than 200 million websites, including Wordpress, Digg and Facebook. 


Python is a high-level language (High-Level Language), which is used mostly on websites and mobile apps. This language can be considered a language that is easy for you, who will start the first-level programming language. This language was used in a number of famous sites such as Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio, etc.. 

8. Ruby 

Ruby Dynamic languages and object-oriented scripting for the creation of websites and mobile applications. Ruby was created as Ruby on Rails (Rails) framework, which is used in the famous sites such as Scribd, GitHub, Groupon and Shopify. Like Python, Ruby is not complicated, and many options for you first start learning programming.  


JavaScript is a language which features Client and Server-Side Scripting, which was developed by Netscape, which is most syntax from C language. This language is used to create movement in the website. This language can also write a game or desktop applications. 

10. SQL language

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language that was created in order to facilitate the data (data) in the relational database management system. Most of the use of this language is "Query" function that helps in finding information.

Make MP3 Player with HTML5 - [basic]

With HTML5, you can enter the Music Player to your website without having to use third-party plug-in or add-on, such as Flash Player, or QuickTime. For the code to be written is very convenient for the existing player (default), but there is a bit more complicated for you who want to customize self because you need JavaScript enabled to create a command button.

Audio Tag

You can use the Audio Tag to play your songs with accompanying control.

You will get the following results. 

Create a command button with JavaScript 

First, following coding Script in Head Tag space by using a script tag

 var player;     
//Initial code
window.onload = function()
document.getElementById('btnPlay').addEventListener('click', playMusic, false);
document.getElementById('btnPause').addEventListener('click', pauseMusic, false);
document.getElementById('btnStop').addEventListener('click', stopMusic, false);
document.getElementById('btnVolUp').addEventListener('click', volUp, false);
document.getElementById('btnVolDown').addEventListener('click', volDown, false);
player = document.getElementById('player');
function playMusic()
function pauseMusic()
function stopMusic()
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ //not​ method STOP
player.pause(); ​​​​​​​​​​​​
player.currentTime = 0;
function volUp()
//sound level 0.0 = silent and 1.0 = full volume
if(player.volume < 1)
player.volume += 0.1; }
else {
player.volume = 1;
function volDown() {
if(player.volume > 0) {
player.volume -= 0.1;
else {
player.volume = 0;

Please check the following

Then create a command button with the following code in between Body Tag

Get results


How to Burn CD / DVD with Disk Image of OS X

Disk Images or DMG is a great way to wrap a chunk of files or folders, or can be used to move the program (software) from one computer to computer Another was due to the use of digital clones technology, which lets you use Disk Image as a flash drive or CD in the same way. Here you will find simple tips to copy (Write) CD or DVD to be able to process the application and for the boot OS, or can also be used to hide files to be safe, too.

To Copy Disk Image to CD or DVD, you just click on the DMG file in the left sidebar, then click the Burn icon on the upper side of the Disk Utility. You'll get a window requires the insertion Blank Media Disk CD or DVD or flash drive. Then click on the Burn to confirm that you are going to copy the DMG disk. You can spend faster or sooner, depending on the size to be copied.

Other advantage of the Mac File DMG

Apple Disk Images can also save files or applications that can move from one computer to another pack (Archive) Files to File .dmg. To create, you just click on the icon New Image in Disk Utility program, and meet the requirements, such as choosing Save Files type (CD or DVD). Finally, click on the Create button jeans, you'll get a File .dmg file or storage. 

Copy the ISO to Disk

ISO Disk Images used not only for Mac OS X, but it also works well with Windows, Linux. On the other hand, it can load the file does not differ much from the File DMG. Generally used to copy ISO file (Burn) into the CD or DVD or Flash for OS installed on each computer. To be able to copy the files into the ISO Disk (CD / DVD), you just download any ISO file, you need to log in Disk Utility program left side (see figure below).Boot depending on the ISO file you downloaded into the Disk Utility program about this shot. 

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