Programming Language is a way of communication between the programmer and the computer. Like nests IT recommends the top 10 programming languages that you should automatically for 2014, including the following:
Python is a high-level language (High-Level Language), which is used mostly on websites and mobile apps. This language can be considered a language that is easy for you, who will start the first-level programming language. This language was used in a number of famous sites such as Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio, etc..
1.Java language
Java is a programming languages, which is a class-based, object-oriented, which developed by Sun Microsystems in the 90s. This language in popular demand especially for writing software applications for large enterprises web-based games and software for thought Nokia S40 series until Android. Java was designed to be able to run on a different platform, such as Mac OS X applications running on Windows.2.C language
C Programming Language is the first and oldest is the most widely used for creating applications. This language was created in the 70th, which is mostly used for filling on the OS (operating system) software and embedded application. This can be considered as the local language (Foundation) for learning other languages like this, you should learn C before moving into other languages .3.C ++ language
C ++ is a language in the Intermediate (Intermediate-Level Language) with Object-Oriented Programming feature which is complementary addition to C. C ++ language is used to write many popular programs, such as Firefox, Winamp and Adobe. This language is also being used to create Systems software, application software, high-performance server and client applications as well as video games.4.C # language
C #, or C-sharp is a language that has a Multi-Paradigm created by Microsoft. This language is a language, a combination of C and C ++ and is used for programming for Microsoft Windows platforms.5.Objective-C language
Objective-C is a language which is an Object-Oriented Programming as well, but was created for Apple's operating system. This language is famous because of the language used to write software iOS.6.PHP language
PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a language that has a server-side scripting, which is used for creating Dynamic Websites and applications. PHP is used to write more than 200 million websites, including Wordpress, Digg and Facebook.7.Python
Python is a high-level language (High-Level Language), which is used mostly on websites and mobile apps. This language can be considered a language that is easy for you, who will start the first-level programming language. This language was used in a number of famous sites such as Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio, etc..